About Me

Hello! I'm Sidney
I'm a software developer from Kent, Ohio.
I have experience building web and console applications and am always looking to learn and improve my skills.
I recently graduated with a B.A. in Computer Science at Kent State, and currently work for Seifert Technologies as a full stack developer and consultant. Here, I have worked on a variety of projects, including a vehicle fleet tracking application, an industrial pipe-cleaning demo app, a PHP storefront, and various internal applications.
My language of choice is C#, but I like to keep my other languages sharp through code exercises on Codewars.
Other interests of mine include origami, online Scrabble (I recommend woogles.io!), metal guitar, Minecraft, and Trackmania 2020.
Resume (View Pdf)
B.A. Computer Science
2022 - 2024
Kent State University, Kent, OH
GPA: 3.86
- HacKSU Coding Club
- MLH Kent Hack Enough 2022 Hackathon participant
- Kent Hack Enough 2024 Hackathon Organizer
- Dean's List
Web Developer Bootcamp
2020 - 2022
The Software Guild, online
- Completed 720 hours of coursework, earning a full stack web development certification in a .NET/C# tech stack.
B.M. Music Theory & Composition
2016 - 2020
Kent State University, Kent, OH
Grade: 3.9 GPAActivities:
- Kent State Rocket League CRL Team
- Honors College
- Dean's List
Professional Experience
Junior Software Developer/Consultant
2024 -
Seifert Technologies, Massillion, OH
- Engineered zone management functionality to a client's fleet tracking application utilizing MapBox API and Samsara device data, enabling real-time vehicle metrics monitoring and data stored in MS SQL Server database.
- Redesigned a client's web app frontend by creating a responsive mobile sidebar, leveraging Bootstrap components, and replacing page reloads with jQuery and AJAX to enhance user experience and site performance.
- Developed, documented, and published reusable Azure Key Vault NuGet package for .NET Core on a private Azure feed, streamlining secret management across environments and reducing code reuse on project setup.
- Improved Seifert's internal billing processes by developing an ASP.NET billing worksheet form, improving the efficiency of time and expense approval workflows for managers.
Student Drupal Webmaster
2022 - 2024
Kent State University, Kent, OH
- Collaborated with college directors and College of Arts and Sciences marketing team to create engaging, user-friendly university webpages using Drupal CMS.
- Enhanced mobile responsiveness of university webpages by extending Drupal CMS capabilities with custom CSS and JavaScript solutions.
IT Student Application Developer
2022 - 2023
Kent State University, Kent, OH
- Supported the Kent State IT development team to maintain over 200 internal web applications.
- Modernized outdated applications in OutSystems low-code platform to support mobile devices.
- Uncovered numerous previously undetected bugs through comprehensive manual functional testing.